Our Moon Days Initiative


At Your Super, we are breaking down the taboo around periods in the workplace and are striving to make a more inclusive environment with our ‘Say Yes to Moon Days’ initiative.


Moon Days is a policy that allows women to take up to 1 day a month during their cycle. It allows employees to accommodate their health needs without shame or stigma.


Sign the petition


We have launched this petition for Menstrual Leave to encourage other businesses to look into implementing a ‘Moon Days’ initiative in their company, as well as raise awareness at government level about the importance of breaking down the taboo around periods and ensuring the workplace environment is inclusive.


Whether you suffer yourself or know someone that does, please sign here and help us change the workplace for those people who really need it.

*Please note that this is a free petition. However, change.org may prompt you for a donation on their site. You are not obligated to donate. Once you’ve signed the petition, please check your email inbox to verify.

Download the Moon Day policy


Get the conversation started in your workplace!


Download the “Moon Day Policy Template” below to ask your employer to implement Moon Days at your place of work.

Moon Days at Your Super

  • Your Super’s initiative strives to be all-inclusive and acknowledges that not everyone with a period identifies as a woman and not everyone who is a woman has a period. This scheme is available to anyone suffering from menstrual symptoms.

    • What could a Moon Day look like?


          • Take 1 day off
          • Take ½ a day off
          • • Work but not attend meetings
          • • Attend meetings but have the camera off
          • • Only work a couple of hours

Your Super employee experiences

"The concept of Moon Days was completely new to me and I absolutely love it. It really allows me to be compassionate with my body and myself and listen to what my body needs which is usually a lot of rest. I tend to work anyway but don’t need to stick to a strict schedule and not attend any meetings. Women are conditioned to just power through and that’s what we’ve been doing for many years, ignoring symptoms and pain. With Moon Days at Your Super, everyone is understanding and I feel comfortable addressing when I don’t feel well, whereas in the past I might have just taken a sick day. From a management perspective I can say that the team supports one another and team members seem more productive the following days."


- Nina, Head of SEO & Content

"Ive taken a Moon Day once or twice over the course of 2 years. I really check in with my body to make the decision if I need to take a Moon Day or not. Sometimes my cramps are painful in the morning but in the afternoon I am able to function normally. Moon Days allow me to sleep more if I need to or simply turn off my zoom camera. I feel such relief knowing that I can take the time I need to address the needs of my body."


- Kellyn, Senior Content Manager

"Period pain and discomfort areis real, many women don’t feel as productive, so why force them to sit there and pretend they are fine and working? Not all women need them every month, not all women experience period pain, but the women who do are grateful that there is that space to pause. So that during otherothers weeks of their female cycle, their hormones can create their super powers - unlimited energy, powerful creativity, and extra focus."


- Kristel, Co-founder

"True diversity is not about all being the same, but it is about accepting each others differences and making changes according to those more individual needs. Even though I will never fully understand how painful a period can be, it seems only logical that women should have the chance to take that space to take of themselves when its needed."


- Michael, Co-founder

"Personally, I don’t take a Moon Day every single month as I don’t feel the need to do so, but on the months where I decide to use it, I am so so grateful that they exist. I really think Moon Days are the future. When I take a Moon Day, to me this is a day where I say no to my meetings, and take the day at a slower pace! It has never been a day for me to not work. I have personally really benefitted from this, as I am really productive when I can focus on my own schedule, and I get a lot of creative work done. I also find that the day after a Moon Day I feel more refreshed and happy to have had the day to myself. My favourite thing about Moon Days though, is the fact that it allows the conversation about periods to happen in the workplace, where this is usually deemed a weakness or a something that shouldn’t be discussed."


- Hannah, Head of Design

"I’ve not taken a Moon Day yet because so far I haven’t felt I needed to but I really appreciate knowing it’s there if I need it and that the company I work for show this level of compassion for staff. As a leader, I can see the positive impact just being about to talk about periods has on the team. I see a new level of compassion and support. Because there is a level of mutual respect, I don’t see anybody using the days as an extra ‘holiday’ and as such I simply see women thrive in an environment where they don’t feel shamed for taking time if they need it - they do what’s right for them each month and continue to deliver and grow in a more supportive environment."


- Sarah, Global VP Marketing

"The concept of Moon Days was completely new to me and I absolutely love it. It really allows me to be compassionate with my body and myself and listen to what my body needs which is usually a lot of rest. I tend to work anyway but don’t need to stick to a strict schedule and not attend any meetings. Women are conditioned to just power through and that’s what we’ve been doing for many years, ignoring symptoms and pain. With Moon Days at Your Super, everyone is understanding and I feel comfortable addressing when I don’t feel well, whereas in the past I might have just taken a sick day. From a management perspective I can say that the team supports one another and team members seem more productive the following days."


- Nina, Head of SEO & Content

"Ive taken a Moon Day once or twice over the course of 2 years. I really check in with my body to make the decision if I need to take a Moon Day or not. Sometimes my cramps are painful in the morning but in the afternoon I am able to function normally. Moon Days allow me to sleep more if I need to or simply turn off my zoom camera. I feel such relief knowing that I can take the time I need to address the needs of my body."


- Kellyn - Senior Content Manager

"Period pain and discomfort areis real, many women don’t feel as productive, so why force them to sit there and pretend they are fine and working? Not all women need them every month, not all women experience period pain, but the women who do are grateful that there is that space to pause. So that during otherothers weeks of their female cycle, their hormones can create their super powers - unlimited energy, powerful creativity, and extra focus."


- Kristel - Co-founder

"True diversity is not about all being the same, but it is about accepting each others differences and making changes according to those more individual needs. Even though I will never fully understand how painful a period can be, it seems only logical that women should have the chance to take that space to take of themselves when its needed."


- Michael - Co-founder

"I’ve not taken a Moon Day yet because so far I haven’t felt I needed to but I really appreciate knowing it’s there if I need it and that the company I work for show this level of compassion for staff. As a leader, I can see the positive impact just being about to talk about periods has on the team. I see a new level of compassion and support. Because there is a level of mutual respect, I don’t see anybody using the days as an extra ‘holiday’ and as such I simply see women thrive in an environment where they don’t feel shamed for taking time if they need it - they do what’s right for them each month and continue to deliver and grow in a more supportive environment."


- Sarah - Global VP Marketing

"Personally, I don’t take a Moon Day every single month as I don’t feel the need to do so, but on the months where I decide to use it, I am so so grateful that they exist. I really think Moon Days are the future. When I take a Moon Day, to me this is a day where I say no to my meetings, and take the day at a slower pace! It has never been a day for me to not work. I have personally really benefitted from this, as I am really productive when I can focus on my own schedule, and I get a lot of creative work done. I also find that the day after a Moon Day I feel more refreshed and happy to have had the day to myself. My favourite thing about Moon Days though, is the fact that it allows the conversation about periods to happen in the workplace, where this is usually deemed a weakness or a something that shouldn’t be discussed."


- Hannah, Head of Design

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